
So the big deal right now, aside from Janet's right tit, is Bush finally admitting that some of the Iraqi pre-war intelligence may have been wrong. Although he hasn't outright said it yet, he is obviously gearing up to blame the CIA, DIA and State Department for the intelligence failure. The commission he has set up to investigate the intelligence failure is pure smoke and mirrors.

The Bush administration exagerrated, lied about, and conjured up a non-existant threat to plunge our country headlong into war. This was an obvious, although unconfirmed, fact of life back in March of '03. There is no escaping the evidence, unless you decide who will be scrutinizing that evidence. Bush appointed federal appeals court Judge Laurence Silberman to head the committee. This guy used to be Reagan's bitch. (Read more here) Additionally, the commission isn't set to reveal it's findings until May 2005. Well after the election.

A lot of good this investigation will do.

Today, for the first time since he was elected, George Bush submitted to a televised interview on Meet The Press. (Full Text) I'm willing to bet he whined about having to do it, because it probably cut into his Crawford Ranch time. I can hear it now: "But Karl, can't Dickie do it? I don't wanna go. I'm s'posed to be at the Ranch on sunday" Bush did a lot of back pedalling. That's exactly what you don't want to see an incumbent do during election year. Unless you want him to lose.

My point is, shouldn't the president's job be to make sure that intelligence is verifiable? Isn't going to war THE hardest decision a president has to make, next to pushing the big red button? He is sending young men and women off to their deaths. For what? Apparently for a mistake! Shoddy evidence that, even if he didn't exaggerate it, or "sex it up", he still failed to authenticate it before jumping the gun. Had he given Hans Blix more time, he could have confirmed what the whole world knew. There were no active WMD programs in Iraq, and using such threats as an excuse for war would be false.

This lack of peer review on the president's part, and willingness to sacrifice young lives on both sides without 100% certainty of his justifications should be enough to tell this country that this man is not fit to lead. Let me put it in perspective: If Bush was president back in 1962 during the Cuban Missle Crisis, we probably would have ended up nuking the USSR. And he would have told us it was God's will.

I don't know, maybe they're listening. His polls dropped below Kerry's recently. If the election was today, he would lose. Let's just hope that his $200m campain and all that extra spin time don't tip the scales back his way.

Ray McGovern is an ex-CIA senior analyst. He served the CIA for 27 years. He writes an interesting piece about the intelligence process and decision making. Rather than summarize it here, I suggest you all take a look at it.

Anybody but Bush in 2004!


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