
Bad things shouldn't happen to cute white girls...
"Dec. 15 issue - Dru Sjodin turns heads. The 22-year-old University of North Dakota senior with blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes, the homecoming queen in high school, as well as an honor studentwas strolling through ..."

Even the supposedly objective news copy from that newsweek article can't refrain from eluding to how cute and white Dru Sjodin is. It is very sad what has happened to poor Dru. Nobody should suffer such a horrific crime. That being said, I would like ask all these main stream media outlets where they were when Tionda and Diamond Bradley were abducted? I would also like to ask them how many times they put information relating to poor Alexis Patterson's case on their real-time ticker? How many family members and friends of these girls were interviewed?

The Bradley sisters have been missing since July of 2001. Dru went missing just under three weeks ago. Do not mistake me, increased publicity increases the chance of finding an abductee. But I guess Alexis, Tionda and Diamond should have been born white if they ever hoped of getting half as much attention. Even after the police found a DNA match for blood in the suspects car, almost assuring that Dru is lying dead somewhere, Ms. Sjodin continues to get more news coverage in one day than the Bradley girls have gotten since July of 01.

I found an interesting article while doing research today.

I know my views might upset some people, but hundreds of people are abducted each year. Only the pretty white ones make it on the evening news. This goes beyond abduction. Just look at the Laci Peterson case. Honestly, how interesting is that case? 12,000 people are killed each year in this country, and for some reason this case has stuck in the news for over a year.

Racial bias has no place in mainstream media. I'm ashamed of everyone who has capitalized on the "sellability" of these victims images to increase their ratings.

That said, here's Today's ignored headlines:
The Privatization of War: $30 Billion Goes to Private Military; Fears Over 'Hired Guns' Policy...
Iraqi War Crimes Tribunals Could Be Used to Settle Old Scores, Some Say...
US Military Admits Six More Child Deaths in Second Afghan Raid...
High Payments to Halliburton for Fuel in Iraq...
US Shuts Out Antiwar Nations for Iraq Work...
Supreme Court considers politics in congressional redistricting
Organized labor rallies for rights to form unions
Annan rules out swift UN redeployment in Iraq
"Sharon plan" gets party backing
Taiwan to Hold Vote Despite US Rebuke
Iraqi Shia protest US tank killing

Please, watch out for each other.


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