
medical care in this country is a joke. So i start feeling sick, yeah i could go get examined, figure out what's wrong with me only to have yet another pre-existing exclusion on my next health insurance plan and get fucked out of living a healthy life. Message there kids: either work one job to retain one health insurance plan your whole life, thereby avoiding the pre-existing condition clause, or get sick. Very sick. people in this country are scared shitless of getting sick. Cancer for somebody in my income bracket is as good as a death sentence even if you get cured. Luckily I have insurance. But am I going to be able to work on chemo when I'm required to work the 32 hours to keep my insurance? So what happens when I lose my insurance halfway through treatment? I guess I keep trucking on fighting to live. In the words of the Late Warren Zevon, it's a crime to not try to live. But then I'm cured, and a couple hundred thousand in debt. Luckily it's also a crime to collect interest on medical bills. I guess I'll just never own that dream house in the suburbs. And even if I managed to keep my job this whole time, there's no fucking way I'm working there the rest of my life. I'll be doomed to exclusions. Life-threatening exclusions.

"Sorry, we'd love to help you but you told us you were sick to begin with. Remember?"

And then there's the millions without health coverage. They just wait until they lose consciousness or can't breath then go to the ER. Fuck symptoms.

Thank you America.

I just get so fucking mad sometimes. How can such a "benevolent" democracy such as ours allow it's own citizens to die needlessly? There's no reason anymore for people to not have cancer diagnosed until stage 2 or 3. We have the capability to catch most cancers early now. If there wasn't a general FEAR surrounding the health care industry in this country, problems would be caught early and fixed cheaply. Taxpayers and paying hospital patients end up footing the bills for all the "deadbeats". If it was subsidized by the government, like in canada, it would cost us as a society so much less in terms of life and money. Why do we fucking put up with this? Why aren't we marching on congress demanding universal health care like in every other rich industrial nation in the world? What the fuck is wrong with us? Did you know that the only thing that makes the cost of our health care system in this country so expensive is the system itself? (and obese people, but that's another rant) If it was socialized, it would be so much cheaper. Doctors wouldn't have to pay extortion, er I mean malpractice insurance as it's a lot harder to succesfully sue the government. Research would be gov't subsidized, so it wouldn't be in our hospital or prescription bills. Those living in poverty would get preventative check ups to catch diseases early instead of going to the emergency room.

oh what a beautiful world that would be. Maybe the holidays this year wouldn't be depressing for a reason. Instead it would just be depressing because being depressed around this time is stylish. And I could finally have my back checked out and fixed. Fuck yeah. That's what I want for Christmas.


not that anybody reads this. I'm really writing this for the archives I guess. I should go to sleep, I'm tired and way too emotional.

Maybe I'll see you kids on Thursday. I fucking hate christmas so I have no problem spending it in the studio.

Tune me in, 12/25 at 6 o clock. 99.1 FM fool. Maybe it will be me, and maybe it will be some jackass in milwaukee.

I love you guys. Please look out for each other.



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